I specialise in the treatment of stress and anxiety, working from Southampton, Hants and High Wycombe, Bucks as an online therapist treating people from all over the country. Take a look at my online therapy page to find out more.
How can I help you
We all experience anxiety from time to time, and feeling anxious is a natural reaction to some situations. Unfortunately, sometimes those feelings of anxiety can become constant, overwhelming or out of proportion to the situation, and this can then affect your daily life.
Treatment only takes a few sessions, and you will start feeling better from your first appointment. In our sessions we focus on solutions and moving forward, rather than spending time going over the past.
The therapies I use are safe, drug-free, and you remain in control at all times. Give me a call to find out how I can help you, and get your life back on track.
With hypnotherapy, you will feel more able to reframe your thoughts and change those negative thought patterns with positive ones. You can look forward to feeling better, thinking clearer, and gaining a new sense of calm and control over your anxiety.
If basic talking therapies, or long term counselling have not worked for you, book in for a free enquiry call, to find out how I can help you.
Anxiety UK recommends hypnotherapy as a good treatment for anxiety, and it is an excellent alternative to CBT or counselling.
If you need help or support for stress or anxiety, then click the button above to book a call. These are some symptoms you may be feeling: Worrying, restlessness, fatigue, lack of concentration, butterflies in stomach, racing heart, palpitations, chest tightness, excessive sweating, poor sleep/insomnia, irritability, dry mouth, agitation, feeling detached, feeling weepy, panic attacks, avoidance of social situations……
Check out my blog post Is Anxiety Getting in Your Way?
“After an extremely challenging year I was very anxious and struggling to function. Within a couple of sessions with Jane I started to feel much calmer and able to take control of my life again……..”